Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Bloggers block?

Is there a difference between writing and blogging? What would blogging look like ten years from now? How will it evolve? If a blogger falls down in a forest and nobody reads about him, did it really happen? Am I just writing questions at random? Am I trying to be funny? Speaking of funny; Dave Barry is finally retiring (sort of) as of next Saturday. Its hard to believe that, in a country of 300 million (and a world of 500 million English speakers), nobody can compete with this guy. Like Johnny Carson, he is very unique, indeed. So now is the time for all those Dave Barry wanabes to shoot for this wide open vacancy.

The spell checker is beginning to get on my nerves. It's ironic enough not to recognize the words blog, blogger, blogging and blogged, but it also keeps ignoring to 'learn' them.


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