Saturday, December 25, 2004

It's Dark In Here

Just what am I suppose to do inside my blog? For those of you nonreader who are just nonentering this blog, I've stated before that this is not for anybody to read. I must say that this site is much better than Microsoft's MSN Spaces. I couldn't write a title called "Who Moved My Ass". It was 'prohibited' until I removed the "Ass" word. As for the blogger spell checker, I found it ironic that the word 'blog' was not recognized!

But going back to my title; I can't see a thing here. Not that I should. Ten years ago, the internet was just beginning to catch the interest of the general public, though it would be another three years until the business people jump in on it. If I could have foreseen then what things would turn out to be. And ten years from now? Everybody is thinking in terms of the advances in the wireless revolution, the oil peak, and the still ongoing advances in raw computing power. Yet life in 2015 will turn out to be a complete surprise for many people. The future almost always does.

And this blog is still lame and cautious even though I'm (suppose to be) deliberate about being spontaneous. Have patience, I might yet begin to improve in the coming few weeks. Until then, you nonreaders will just have to wait.


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